
Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Skiing with the SU!

So it’s been a while! I do apologise from my absence in blogging. I guess during summer with the pressures of work, social life and making the most of the weather and the freedom it provides I just fell out of habit with blogging.
But so much has happened! I started my third year, which I am actually quite enjoying it. Although as my lecturer said yesterday, I only have 10 weeks left! It’s quite surreal that University will be over in quite literally ten weeks. Oh, what am I to do with myself?!
But onto happier subjects! As part of my third year course, I chose to do a work placement instead of a dissertation. That was fun. I got to work in a local secondary school helping out in class and teaching kids’ history. Although I still have to do a reflective log and a 4,000 word project. I’ll still rather that than a dissertation.
I also went skiing! At the University within the Student’s Union, we have a Snowsports society which regularly organises skiing trips across Europe. I went with them to Val Thoren in France and thoroughly enjoyed it. Even though it was my first time, I actually picked it up quite quickly. And I didn’t seriously injure myself! So that’s nice. 5,000 students, one resort, it was mental. I’ve attached some of the family friendly photos for you all to see!

This year I’ve also taken a step away from the Climbing and Mountaineering society, I was president of last year to become an Events Co-ordinator for the Raise and Give (RAG) society. We quite literally make money in various ways and give it to charity. Simple, eh? Some of the events I have already organised have been a very successful pub crawl (with another on Thursday) and I’m in the midst of organising a Jailbreak.

 What’s a Jailbreak? Well, people have 36 six hours to hitchhike as far as possible away from campus. They can’t spend any money and the people who get the furthest win! You can read all about it here:

I promise I’ll try and blog soon. I promise it’s not you, it’s me.

Lol joking, it’s definitely you.

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