Hello people! It’s been a crazy last couple of weeks since
with Fresher’s, starting my second year, working and having a social life.
Fresher’s was amazing; just a really good laugh having a
good time with good people, I really enjoyed it. It’s even better as a first
year as you don’t have any of that introductory stuff in the first week, so you
can actually get some sleep! The SU really pulled out all the stops this year
with some amazing events, including the Fresher Fairs. I now have enough free
stuff to last me for the year. There was also a big mobile rock climbing wall
at both the fairs as well, which I was responsible for running as president of
the Climbing Society.
Stuff has only recently actually start to settle down and
slot into a regular flow of things, but saying that there always is new things
and challenges every week. For example this week I've been hobbling on
crutches…Hockey, foot, painful. So
that’s been a whole barrel of laughs, although crutches are quite useful to
prod and hit people with.
Second year is strange; it’s quite difficult to adjust, just
because it is so different. For one, this year does actually count! It’s going
quite well though, well relatively so anyway. I just need to put more effort
into doing the reading instead of catching up with my favourite American shows
(Homeland, Sons of Anarchy, and The Walking Dead etc.).
In my blogs I always try to have a useful message (as
opposed to me just rambling on and on and on...). In this blog I’m just going
to give a quick word of advice about choosing courses. So people always say
choose what you enjoy and I can’t stress that enough. Don’t choose a subject because
you think you should do it, pick and study a subject because you want to do it
and because you have a genuine interest in that field of study. There is no point in paying £9,000 a year (in
most cases) to study a course just because you've been told to study that
course for whatever reason. It’s you who has to pay the tuition fees, you who
have to study it; therefore it should be who you pick the course. So do your
re-search, look at all the different courses offered, look into the units that
course offers and then make a well informed and a right decision J

So yeah, that’s it for now. I will post another blog soon
(he says) about life and stuff. Enjoy the weekend!